Help the Heros!

Our 15 seater bus is currently travelling round the country on a special journey!

It is following 3 veterans, on 7 wheels covering 1400 miles around the UK.  They are cycling from John O’Groats to Lands End visiting all the Help the Heros recovery centres on the way.  So not only will they be cycling 1400 miles they will be climbing over 63,000 feet on their travels too, raising as much money as they can on the way!







For Steve, Brian and Brent the challenge will be tough but it will be even tougher for Lee who suffers from Fibromyalgi so he will be travelling on his handbike!  They guys will cycle the route together over 25 days, they will also be passing through Kent and into Chatham so do keep an eye for them!




A C Goatham & Sons have sponsored our minibus for the guys!


For more information go to

Three Peak Charity Challenge for Firefighters!


Our minibus has been busy this month!  Its latest expedition has been to carry some London Firefighters to complete the 3 peaks in 24 hour challenge to raise money for the benevolent fund.

They started at Ben Nevis (3hrs 52 mins), travelled down to Scarfell Pike (2 hrs 45 mins) and finished at Snowdon (1hr 36 mins)!

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Completed in a walking and driving time of 19 hours and 7 minutes so Gold Medals all round, well done to the walkers Marc Chandler, Ray Stoddart, Darren Ballinger and the drivers Brian Seaman and Graeme Jackson!!


Friends of Chernobyl’s Children


Our 17 seater minibus has been transporting the children who are visiting from Belarus for a month and staying with various host families.  Its an incredibly selfless act being carried out by these families to give the visiting children the opportunity to gain a much needed immunity boost and a great life experience for them.  They go on lots of trips while they are here, visiting the doctors, dentist, optician and then for the fun days to the beach, swimming and other exciting days out!  In the photo above they have just come home from Bluewater where they all received brand new shoes from John Lewis!

For more information see their Facebook page ‘Friends of Chernobyl’s Children – Medway – FOCC’.